UPDATE: Stuff Happened…I was on Vacation – Trilogy Ended

The nice thing about Holidays is getting to eat a lot of stuff.  We went out a lot and ate at other people’s houses and it was awesome!

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This was a tasty Beef Stew from Iron Hill.  It felt a bit more like chilli to me but what do I know of food classifications.  If it’s tasty I will eat it!

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Bean got these tasty Crab Cakes from Dawson’s on NYE.  She liked them.  I’m not a seafood eater so I’ll take her word for it.

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I got the all you can eat ribs.  This was only $4 dollars more than the regular full rack but alas I didn’t eat more than this rack.  I was battling my meds and lets just say it didn’t taste as good coming out as going in.  They were so tender and delicious I was so made at the waste 😦

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I’ve talked about the Cheesesteak Rolls at Iron Hill before but they are the bomb!  Very flavorful and yummy.  Over the holiday we had ham at my Brother-in-laws house.  My MIL made this glaze for the ham that was so freaking awesome I wanted to lick the bowl, that’s how delicious!  I consumed many other treats from cookies to dips to meatball sandwiches with the tastiest marinara I’ve had in a long time to Turkey with all of the trimmings.  It was an eating-fest of mythic proportions!  After all of the food I’d consumed over the holidays I lost 3.5 lbs.  Thank you Methotrexate for making that moment possible, lol.

Now that 2013 has arrived we’ve pledged to eat home more.  Cooking healthier meals and enjoying our culinary expertise. Never fear though, we got a ton of gift cards to eat out and let me tell you…the pictures…they will be posted!

Happy New Year People of the Blogosphear!

A Visit to Mary’s Land – Day One

This weekend I headed to Maryland with my beloved for a weekend adventure.  Other than being very hot (I loath sweating) it was a picture perfect weekend.  I think she had fun and I know I did so yay for us 😉

We went to a town on the Chesapeake called Rock Hall.  It’s a cute little town that is a Boat Lover’s paradise.  We drove around to see the sights that this little Cove had to offer.  It had a beach, marina, monuments and the most important part…Seafood 😉

We went to one of the local Museum’s that offered a lot of information about what life was like in the past in Rock Hall.  I found it informative and unintentionally funny.  You see I’m from Philly.  It’s kind of a big town and I would never recommend leaving your house or car unlocked while unattended.  So of course when we showed up at the museum and saw this sign…we had to chuckle!

Pirates are a big thing in Maryland…who knew?

We went to a great Restaurant called Waterman’s Crab House.  They have AMAZING food there.  It is worth the trip if you are looking for something to do in Maryland.

They are known for their crabs but since I don’t eat seafood I went with the turf instead.  It was delicious…OMG the Corn was uber tasty!!!

Bean loves, loves, loves seafood.  She got the Crab Dip…she said it was amazing.  I’m a french onion soup kind of gal…it too was amazing.  I’ve had FOS in so many restaurants I’ve lost count…this was the best I’ve ever eaten!

And the Lobster…

Since Waterman’s sits on the Chesapeake you can drive your boat up and dock while you eat.  It was so serene.

They offer Sunset Boat Tours as well.  If you love the water and boats you should totally check it out!

While at the beach we saw these folks in the background sitting in their blow-up pool drinking beer.  You can’t see them very well but I found them to be hysterical and friendly 🙂

All in all…Rock Hall is a good place to put on your list of places to visit while you are in Maryland!

I’m Ebenezer Scrooge…Who Knew

This Christmas season is much better for me than I’ve seen in about 7 years.  It is an odd coincidence that it was also on the 7th anniversary of Jacob Marley’s death Scrooge got his joy back too.  This year my life is good.  I’m happy and its due to the fact that Bean wears flip flops.
Christmas hasn’t been fun for me in a long time.  I wallowed and as much as I know that’s not a good thing I did it anyway.  My friends would try to distract me but at the end of the day I went home to my empty home.  The dogs are great company but they can’t say hey butthead stop with the mopey.  All they could do was sit next to me as I sat on the floor and looked at the Christmas tree I forced myself to put up even though I had no Christmas spirit inside at all.
Bean is not a wallower and this is great for me.  So in her pursuit of making Christmas a new fun and happy time she has embarked on ‘Operation Level 9 Girl’.  Let me tell you she’s very good.  I laughed when I put up the tree this year.

She took me to see ‘A Christmas Carol’ in town.  I read this story every Christmas.  I read it from my Dad’s book.  It’s a sentimental journey for me.  This production was well done.  I loved it!  The cast did such an amazing job and the snow flowing in the theater at the end of the performance was wicked cool!
I can honestly say that if I never get another tangible gift it wouldn’t’ matter too me because she gives me a gift every day…she loves me.  The intangibles are the ones that stick with this sentimental girl.  I see an amazing Christmas coming my way this year!

Celebrating the Obvious

Okay first let me say I am relieved the Phillies finally got something going and although it was a stressful game they won.  They are back home as of this morning and I’m just hoping they’ve got that lovin’ feeling again because this is all just too stressful for me.  It’s a stupid kind of stressful too because lets face it whether they boys win or lose I still have to go to work in the morning.
Today I celebrate the fact that my two day separation from the one I love is over.  I can’t wait to get home and hug my honey.  It’s only been two days but as I whined blogged about yesterday I was away last weekend and then she was “away” two days this week.  I just love spending time with her.  Not in a creepy I’m stalking you kind of way but in a I love you and you make my day a whole lot brighter.  Wait…isn’t that a Brady Bunch Song?  Point is I get to see my love tonight!  Yeah for me!!!
I’ve been having an odd week this week and I’m glad it’s almost over.  Seriously it’s like Dude Where’s My Car but without the car or that cool scene at the take out place…’and then?’
In other news…LiLo was NOT sent back to jail for her probation violations.  The Judge sent her back to rehab for a mandatory 30 days.  You know unless the Judge decides like last time mandatory 90 day stint to end it like 3 weeks in.  You know cause 3 weeks is long enough to kill the addiction that has been plaguing our young heroin heroine.   Poor LiLo.  Lets face it folks it’s been a slow news day.

And There She Was…

…standing at the door.  The dogs barked wildly and all of that didn’t matter because Bean was home.  She was at the door and then it hit me.  I locked the door and that’s why she was standing outside instead of inside.  I’m special like that!

All I wanted to do was kiss her and hold her and yes I did all that stuff but WOW did I miss her.  I was like a little kid on Christmas morning 🙂  But there she was and I just took in how beautiful she looked.

Oh and Bjorn came home too.  I can’t wait to scan and post his postcard to me.  I told Bean that I could just picture people reading it just out of curiosity.  It’s a Dear John postcard, lol.  He’s a very funny Troll!

He and Bean did lots of stuff together and Bjorn even was the navigator with the Tom Tom.  Although in this picture he looks like he’s had way to much Jack Daniels the night before.  Just saying that Troll has a rep is all!

I Think Bjorn's asleep in this picture, lol.

I’m just so glad Bean is home and she brought me Fudge and MINTS!!!  She’s awesome cool like that!  Tonight…Mints and NCIS?  We’ll see.  It’s nothing but possibilities from this moment on!

Happy Friday everyone!

The One Where Bean Leaves Me

…for a couple of day of vacation.  She probably won’t even care because she’s going away with my roommate Bjorn and right now I think he sucks!  Yes I am a petulant child 😉

I was thinking about what I will do while she’s off to see our fine country and I thought of this list of things I will do while Bean and Bjorn are having fun…without me.  (Damn those nuns could work that guilt thingy…I’ve learned much, lol).

  • Reorganize my closets.  I had a friend over about 8 months ago whom I haven’t seen nor heard from…I figure the closet is the best place to start.
  • alphabetized my stuffed animals.
  • Find the cap to the toothpaste.
  • Teach Mickie not to be an a-hole.
  • Darn my socks.
  • Re-evaluate Einstein’s theory of relativity.  It think he was smoking crack when he came up with that math gem.
  • Take Willow to the groomers
  • Clean my andirons.
  • Practice the Cupid Shuffle…I look like a Spaz right now.
  • Read the Book of Mormon…aka kill all spiders.
  • Think About School a lot.  HA HA HA…that’s just a HTB thing.
  • Practice at Uno so I don’t get my butt kicked so much by Bean.

Really the one thing that tops the list is I’m going to miss her.  She’s kind of awesome squared.