Still In The Bubble

My wife and I are both vaccinated. When they started becoming available in our plague invaded area we moved heaven and earth to get ours.

That was 2 months ago and we still are in the Bubble. It’s different when you are vaccinated but your baby isn’t. We don’t like to take him out into public. You know, cause those lunatics that think Covid is a hoax, are out there contracting and spreading the disease because they are also…anti Mask and hugely Anti-Vaxx.

The world around us is opening up with more and more (sane) people getting vaccinated. But when does the fear that we’ve lived with for over 15 months end? We have a baby who was born a week before the Governor of our state shut everything down. He doesn’t know crowds of people exist. Our bubble for most of Covid was us and my In Laws. That was it. Then as things got better and vaccinations became wider spread we added 3 more people.

I still don’t feel like I can give up my masks either. Some vaccinated people have given them up but my concern for others and spreading a disease that probably won’t effect me is just too much.

Post Covid will come eventually but when does it feel right again to embrace the idea of seeing people outside our Covid Bubble?

April 2020 vs. April 2021.

The road is still a long one.

Post First Shot

It’s in the record book now.  I received my first Covid Vaccination.  I’m so relieved to have gotten it.  I go back in several weeks for the second.  Thankfully after Easter.

More of my family got vaccinated over the weekend as vaccine became available in our area.  It’s a tremendous relief for all of us.  To be able to see each other in person and maybe even hug each other is the Hope we’ve been searching for since last year.

I had mild side effects from the Moderna vaccine.  My arm hurt for 3 days (this happened with my tetanus shot too).  I had some dizziness on Friday night but by the morning when I woke up all was good.  Well, except my ouchie arm, lol.

The only downside of getting the Vaccine is stopping my RA Meds for 2 weeks.  I’m hoping no major flares.  So fingers crossed!

My hope is that with more people getting vaccinated there will be more protection for those who take this deadly disease seriously.  It’s so sad that 534,000 Americans are now gone from just this one disease.  I know that some people can’t get vaccinated do to medical concerns and religious concerns.  I just want everyone to be safe and stay as healthy as they can.


Finally…Some Hope

Today I’m going to receive my first Covid Vaccination.  I’m so relieved to be finally getting it. I’m immune compromised.  That means I’m susceptible to all germs on a regular basis.  Every year I get my flu shot for this very reason.  This year has been terrifying for me and my family.  We had a baby during the lockdowns.  It’s just been very stressful and mostly depressing.  I had to continue working during this period because of what I do for a living.  That made it even harder.  We had our share of Covid Scares but came out unscathed and negative, thankfully!

528,000 Americans aren’t as lucky as I’ve been.  Dying alone with only doctors and nurses by their sides.  Only recently have family members been let in to say goodbye.  My friend had to wear a suit reminiscent of a deep sea diving suit to hold her dying father’s hand for the last time.  It still makes me cry to think about that.

Today I take that step to keep safe.  I feel on the verge of relief.  Yes, I will continue to wear my mask in public.  You see, I understand that even with the vaccine it doesn’t mean I can’t transmit the virus to someone who isn’t vaccinated.  Oh, and I’m not an a-hole selfish prick!

More of my family can now get the vaccine too and that also is a great relief.

Mr. Trump would like to have the credit for the vaccine and the saving American Lives.  I can’t give that to him.  Once the virus hit and we realized that America wasn’t inescapable and could contract it no matter how many thoughts and prayers that were thrown at it.  Mr. Trump could have cut the number of Americans who died during the early days of the pandemic.  He could have initiated mask mandates for the entire country.   What we got was hypothesis of injecting oneself with bleach….WTH!?!  Scientist became the enemies of the State.  Instead, Trump and his band of idiots decided to follow the guidance of Fox News Entertainment Anchors.  This is his legacy.

He could have been the hero of America while President but he is incapable of putting anyone or anything above his own wants and needs.

Even after he contracted the disease he thought his Machismo-eque manner was what the Country needed.  The image of a strong and strapping man (who gasped for breath) leading us all by example.  That example was, have a super spreader event with no masks or safety where we infect each other and where at least 2 high profile Republicans died from Covid.  That example where we saw President Trump getting a very expensive and experimental treatment that the average American would never experience. Having free healthcare, Mr. Trump forgot that most Americans who suffered through the worst of Covid are now straddled with thousands of dollars in medical bills and in some cases too ill to work.

I’m happy and relieved to be getting this vaccine because I believe in the validity of vaccinations.

I’m happy that Joe Biden is President and that he surrounds himself with quality people who can actually problem solve and not just devise ways to bilk the American taxpayers out of millions of dollars.  For the first time in a year I have HOPE.

That means a lot.

Another OMG Moment!

So President Biden’s Cabinet picks are being questioned by members of Congress.  It’s rather interesting that Women and Women of Color particularly are being given aggressive questioning more then the male nominees.  It’s not that these women aren’t qualified.  They are outspoken and critical against so many of the “good ole’ Policies of the Trumplican Party.  I can’t say they are Republicans anymore because the Party is so overwhelmed by Trump and his sycophants that the Republican party is now fractured and dying.

Debra Anne Haaland, Nominee for Interior Secretary is a strong advocate for New Mexico, the lands of America and Indigenous People.  This irks those who want to have their own way even if it isn’t the best thing for all Americans.  Some of these are Congressmen who want their Donors to be able to use Public Lands for many nefarious gains.   Barrasso, Daines and Cassidy are among those with such interests.  It’s all legal, mind you.  Moral? I’m going to go with a big nah!

I would love if Ms. Haaland ended her testimony with a reading of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.

I’m finding the need for these men in Congress to tells us all how some are scientist and doctors is ridiculous.  It’s laughable because when it comes to the Environment and Health of our Country profit reigns supreme and the people get the shaft.

If only we look at the fiasco in Texas as the “Competence” litmus of the Trumplican Republican Party in general our country is totally screwed!  Do I think that Democrats have all the answers?  Absolutely not…but I will say this, the greed and corruption of the Trump Administration have left this long time Republican disgusted!

Touche Old Farmer’s Almanac

The Old Farmer’s Almanac was right once again.  It called for the Mid-Atlantic Region to have February Snows.

This was last week’s snow that gave us 10″.  Now we move on to today that was supposed to be a mostly rain event.  Spoiler Alert…it wasn’t.

We got another 2″ or more.  Sure it rained but only for about 20 minutes.  There is literally no place to put the snow and we are sick of shoveling.

Thanks Old Farmer’s Almanac but this hippy chick is ready for no more snow, lol!


The Beginning of GQP

The GQP as they are forever now known has decided to Acquit FORMER President Trump of high crimes against America.  The House Managers laid out a complete and insightful prosecution.  The Defense left a rambling, bumbling mess of videos of “Fight Club for Dems”.  The defense didn’t lay out a case of facts that supported anything Mr. Trump did that day.  Instead they laid out deflection and misdirection and pretty much a whole bunch of conspiracies and lies.  This of course has been the highlight of Trump’s administration and presidency.  A bumbling violent mess!

The GQP never had any intention of convicting Trump.  Lindsay Graham was very upset the day Trump Supporters violated the Capitol building with their INSURRECTION.  He had had enough!  Until it was over and then talked to his Russian Handlers in the guise of Mr. Trump and then he was back on the GQP bus.

Only seven Senators took the oath seriously that all of the Senate took before the Trial began to be impartial.  Mr. Cruz, Mr. Graham and others violated every word of it when they went to the Trump’s Defense Lawyers and advised them how to fix the mess they made in their first outing.  They all claimed they were impartial jurors and could separate the two situations.  Really…well…you proved yourself a liar.

Trump riled up the crowd of supporters and sent them to KILL Vice President Mike Pence to stop the validation of the Election.  They sought to do extreme things to any member of Congress they could find.  Thankfully they found none.

Mr. McConnell is the leader not of the Republican Party but of the Party of Insurrection, White Supremacy and Anti-American Justice.

Now Mr. Graham wants to impeach Vice President Kamala Harris.  I’m pretty sure it’s because she’s a woman of Color and he’s a lying bigot.  But he will make up some garbage of other reasons to impeach the VP.  The truth is the white men who follow Trump will get the Karma that is waiting for them.

In the mean time this former Republican asks you to search your soul, the truth, your God and ask your self is this America or is this a shell of destroyed American Dreams!

Let the Vote motivate us to want better.  Vote for Democracy and not Fascist  and Racist Values.  That is not America, that is not Christian.  It’s also not cancel culture.  That ‘s a phrase that was born from people who want their view to be heard over the voices of others.  It’s not a real thing.

Donald Trump lost the election by almost 8 million votes.  He lost the popular vote in 2016.  He lost at his own game with the Electoral Vote in 2020.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump hates America as does his family.  They see the offices of American Politics as a way to make their fortunes greater at any cost to actual Americans.

Today I wonder what my Father would have said while watching the Democracy he fought so gallantly for in WWII being destroyed on 1/6/21.


The Impeachment 2.0

I know that a lot of Trump Supporters defend the mob of terrorists that took over our nations Capitol building but I’m here to tell you now you are WRONG!

This wasn’t patriotic.  This wasn’t in the defense of our Nation.  This attack wasn’t motivated by anything but anger and vengeance.  Don’t be like these fools who are going to be prosecuted using their own words and posts to social media.  This was Donald J. Trump using his position of power as POTUS to have his blindly following miscreants do his dirty work.  They have 5 deaths on their hands.  Like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and all the others who aided and abetted the violation of our Democracy because….wait for it…Donald J. Trump refused to believe the truth that he LOST the 2020 Presidential election.

This was planned and orchestrated by Donald J. Trump and his aides for 2 months after the lost of the 2020 Election.  He whipped up the blind cult like followers that worshiped and adored him into a frenzy.  Using a diet of lies and anger he set the tone, gave the direction and set them on their path to violating Democracy and America.

Mr. Trump’s team that includes his fellow conspirator Republicans in the Senate want Americans to believe that this is unconstitutional because he is not longer a sitting POTUS.  This happened because Mr. McConnell orchestrated it through obstruction.  It’s what Mr. McConnell excels at…OBSTRUCTION.  The GQP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene would have Americans believe that these people seen above are actually Antifa and that no Trump Supporters were involved.  But then again she also believes Jewish Space Lasers started the California Wildfires last summer.

The people who stormed the Capitol are TERRORISTS.  They are not patriots, they indeed are terrorists!

The truth is Donald J. Trump, ex-POTUS violated his oath of office to Protect and Defend the Constitution and America.  The Republicans in the Senate had a chance to convict him in the First Impeachment Trial but laughed their way through a mock trial.  They now have the blood of 5 Americans on their hands.  They are as culpable for the Murder of Officer Sicknick as much as those who physically took his life.

To excuse this act of terrorism on our soil is 100% anti-American.  Yet the Republican Senate are counting on other Republicans to look the other way too and re-elect them to office.  As American’s its now our time to shut these racist, anti-Democracy advocates down.  It’s time to say enough with our votes and our money.  It’s time for the GQP/GOP Party to step aside.  We must reject their violence, racism, patriarchal indifference and vote for Candidates who love America, the American Dream and the Hope for a healthy America.  America is better than Donald J. Trump and the flames of anger he spreads.

It Just Keeps Snowing

It has snowed a lot over the last 2-1/2 weeks.  Last year I posted a picture of an old snow storm because we had virtually no snow.

This year I’m so over snow.  Here in the Mid-Atlantic region we border the extreme weather our northern neighbor states have always gotten.  Whether it is a hurricane or Nor’Easter Snow storm we would always have some smaller participation but recently we’ve shared their sorry lot with the full enchilada.

We are running out of places to stack the snow when we dig out every other day.   This is why I’ve always been more of an Autumn person.  Yes it rains but it’s cooler without being frosty cold.  The colors of the leaves are spectacular.  I also prefer racking leaves to shoveling heavy snow.  Yes, this blog post was nothing but a big whiny complain diatribe, lol.  You are welcome, HA HA HA!

Oh…More Snow…

Last week saw over a foot of snow in my part of the globe.  Since then we received another 7″ yesterday with 3 more opportunities for snow this week.


Last year we got little to no snow.  Sure I missed it but I really didn’t want to experience this much snow.  It’s making my RA rage and yet we still have to shovel out.  So, you know, that sucks!

While it is very pretty.  It is also pretty annoying.

Diatribe completed, carry on!  LOL.