Remembering The Birth of Civil Rights For Everyone

Happy MLK Day!  This day isn’t just for Dr. King but for all those who believed Social Justice could happen.  A special SHOUT to Medgar Evers whom also pioneered on the road to Civil Rights.


Without these people not sitting down and taking it anymore we would still be a backwoods suppressive society!  We salute your sacrifices Gentlemen!

UPDATE: Stuff Happened…I was on Vacation – Trilogy Ended

The nice thing about Holidays is getting to eat a lot of stuff.  We went out a lot and ate at other people’s houses and it was awesome!

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This was a tasty Beef Stew from Iron Hill.  It felt a bit more like chilli to me but what do I know of food classifications.  If it’s tasty I will eat it!

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Bean got these tasty Crab Cakes from Dawson’s on NYE.  She liked them.  I’m not a seafood eater so I’ll take her word for it.

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I got the all you can eat ribs.  This was only $4 dollars more than the regular full rack but alas I didn’t eat more than this rack.  I was battling my meds and lets just say it didn’t taste as good coming out as going in.  They were so tender and delicious I was so made at the waste 😦

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I’ve talked about the Cheesesteak Rolls at Iron Hill before but they are the bomb!  Very flavorful and yummy.  Over the holiday we had ham at my Brother-in-laws house.  My MIL made this glaze for the ham that was so freaking awesome I wanted to lick the bowl, that’s how delicious!  I consumed many other treats from cookies to dips to meatball sandwiches with the tastiest marinara I’ve had in a long time to Turkey with all of the trimmings.  It was an eating-fest of mythic proportions!  After all of the food I’d consumed over the holidays I lost 3.5 lbs.  Thank you Methotrexate for making that moment possible, lol.

Now that 2013 has arrived we’ve pledged to eat home more.  Cooking healthier meals and enjoying our culinary expertise. Never fear though, we got a ton of gift cards to eat out and let me tell you…the pictures…they will be posted!

Happy New Year People of the Blogosphear!

Just Around The Corner

Today I was having a chat with The Boss and Mo-Mo Gurecki about the fact that I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week.  Okay so like I can believe it because I do have a calendar in my office but it just seems it’s like Ta-Da Thanksgiving!  I panic this time of the year that I won’t be ready in time for Christmas which is like right after Thanksgiving or if you go to the department stores right now it’s like here already!!!
There are pressures I put on myself during the holiday season that I need to accomplish and if I don’t I get all bunched up in the colon.  Since I’m anal retentive this only makes sense that it would be there I got all bunched up.  Just saying.

The first thing that I do every Thanksgiving is watch ‘Miracle on 34th Street‘.  Okay technically it’s the third thing.  First I let the dogs out to pee and then I let myself out to pee.  Wait is that TMI???  Oh well.
The second or fourth thing depending where you are mentally on my blog I start reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.  I have a month to accomplish this task so there isn’t a great pressure there.  I read it from my Dad’s book which makes me feel like he’s there with me reading right along.
The third or fifth thing is the day after Christmas I put up the Tree.  Christmas hasn’t always been the happiest time for me but I think this year will be different because Bean will make sure it’s the bestest Christmas evah!  She’s cool that way and by cool I mean AWESOME!!!

So if I can accomplish those three things I will be very happy and my Sheldon-likeness won’t take over too much 🙂

The New Year Day 3

So my New Year’s resolution lasted up until I opened the door to let the dogs outside and it was like 15 degrees and I yelled holy shit it’s cold out there.  So goes another resolution and apparently my co-worker was correct in her assessment of my resolve.

Back to work tomorrow and it leaves me sad the holidays are over because with the holiday on a Friday we got extra time off :0)~  Yeah it was awesome!

So that just leaves my singing in the shower.  I’m really working hard on this one.  Wish me luck!

I do not wish to brag but I’m becoming a Wii Resorts legend.  Yes I have no life but now its like having a second life in the realm of Wii, lol.  And I’m a LEGEND!  Oh well back to my Big Bang Theory marathon.

Crap I’m a Geek….um….I mean oh yeah I’m a Geek, lol.

Bring It On!

2009 hasn’t been an awful year  like 2003 and 2006 were but it wasn’t spectacular either.

My horoscope for 2010 says that now that Saturn is off my back things are looking up for me.  One can only hope this is true.  But since I’m trying to start the New Year with good Karma there might be hope.

The only NYE resolution I’m making is to stop cursing.  Everyone at work wished me good luck with that one.  I got the feeling they have little faith in me in this matter.  You drop the F-bomb every other word and suddenly you’re know for the potty mouth….Sheesh!

I’m also resolved to play more Scrabble and sing better in the shower.  So there you have it.  These are my Resolutions and not one of them is about weight loss.  Yeah for me!

*Happy New Year Bitches!

*DISCLAIMER –  It’s not the new year yet! HA.

Did You Hit Your Head?

I must have because last week was a blur!  Christmas wasn’t without its trials, let me tell ya.  First Wii is awesome…but you know what is sucktacular?  Wii-njuries…that is an injury sustained while playing Wii.  In my case the Wii-njury came from Wii Resorts.  I was not to be kept down though…I rebounded like a trooper and snapped back with some Wii Archery.  Yes my aim is that good and I was revered by all or just the two people in the room with me at the time.

This Christmas I was not unlike the Magi wondering to and fro.  Mostly I was fro but I did it fro-ing while bopping to awesome Christmas song so it and I were cool!  It was really good to see all the people I saw.  I ate food everywhere I went and let’s just say Nae Nae’s mozzarella sticks are FabUlous!  The weekend was so packed with festivities that I took off Monday too.  Thank goodness because I was down to the last resort undies and the sweats with the hole in them.  So with Laundry done and naps taken I went back to work this week refreshed and smelling much better than Sunday.

I also managed to see two movies this weekend.  Sherlock Holmes was very good and action packed.  It’s Complicated was sweet and the old guy behind me liked the sexual innuendo jokes because he couldn’t stop laughing.

So to sum up my Christmas weekend.  I was more busy than the entire year combined.  Holy Crap Batman!

It’s Thanksgiving Ya’ll

Here I sit at 4ish in the morning unable to sleep because usually this time of year I would be helping Mom make Thanksgiving Turkey.  The last couple of years have been different since she’s been gone.  Someone else does the cooking (Thanks H) and I just show up eat and then leave.  It’s kind of weird but ever so delightful!

With all the strife in the world, all of the hardships being keenly felt by those felled by unemployment and homelessness I see all that I am thankful for more than ever before.  I am truly blessed.

Movie Quote:
“They’re all eating turkey in our bed.” ~ Jack, Home for the Holidays

Truman Capote Made Me Cry But I Forgive Him

I was reading “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote today. It was a collection of stories about the holidays actually. He writes in a style that’s just plain and simple and I like that.

I’ve been really nostalgic lately. It happens every year at Thanksgiving and definitely at Christmas. My best friend died at Christmas time almost 6 years ago and the holidays kind of suck. By best friend I mean my Mom.

Truman’s stories made me think of all the stories I can reflect on this year and every year. I’m a sentimental old fool. I think of all those relatives who are gone and all the thoughts are good ones. The parties, I can see my Uncle Bill laughing and my Dad showing my brothers how to blow kisses at the camera. It’s those images that melt away all the darker ones. The year the Super 8 camera didn’t work was one of my favorite. We were all home except one brother. My Mom had located the old Super 8 film camera and it had film in it so she decided to finish out the reel. We opened our presents and laughed so hard we almost cried. Mom noticed the camera wasn’t working properly and instead of us all being bummed out my sister suggested we re-wrap the presents and do it again. We all broke out in a boisterous blast of laughter and agreed. So we re-wrapped the presents, put new batteries in the camera and set off for Christmas presents version 2.0. We had another round of laughs that were boosted by…you guessed it…the camera not working.

That Christmas stays with me because we were all teenagers or older and Mom was so filled with happiness I wish I could frozen that moment. In some ways I have.

So thanks Truman, I forgive you for making me cry today 🙂

Quote from a Book:
“As for me, I could leave the world with today in my eyes”. ~ Truman Capote, A Christmas Memory

The Holiday Rush and Nostalgia

My Mother was right…yes you read it here.  She was right.  Once life picks up speed everything seems to go by in the blink of an eye.

It doesn’t help that everything is so rushed anymore.  Halloween was here and gone before it was really even here.  Thanksgiving is next week and the deluge of Christmas had begun a week after Halloween.  I long for the old days when there was time to enjoy a moment in time, the holidays or just playing a game with the kids.

Recently I went on a day trip with some friends and I looked around at the old towns we drove through and imagined what they were like in the “glory days”.  They were times when things seems simpler but were actually more difficult.  They seemed quieter but probably weren’t.  The romanticism of the old days is hypnotic sometimes and I wish I had a “way back machine” to just be there.  Hey maybe if the Ghost of Christmas Past isn’t too busy I could touch his heart and walk about my past self’s life.

Quote of the Day:

“Choose between yesterday and tomorrow.” ~ Message in a Bottle

Laborless Day

Hey I like having this extra day off!  Yes I’m shouting it out loud while running with a Bloody Mary, waving my celery stick in the air with finesse.  Oh you thought I was going to say running with scissors.  Wrong Jack Germond!

I slept in which was really nice and extra specially nice that my roommates Willow and Mickie let me.  Sometimes they like to get up early and well if the brats are up so shall be all!  I think they rang that decree in one morning.  Any who, it was glorious!

So what to do today?  So many possibilities and so little desire to do anything.  I’m staring at a stack of books that are taunting my dyslexic personage.  If a book is written with just the right economy of words I can motor through it in 2 days.  Sometimes writers add so much useless dialogue or description that I’m just marred in mind numbness.  It’s sort of like when I read “A Time Traveler’s Wife”.  It was a good story BUT it was about 250 pages too long.  The author rehashed the same points over and over.  I’m dense, this I know, but seriously I got it.  He travels time and sometimes he’s two places at the same time.  Like I said…250 pages shorter would have been nice.  Note to editor…you blow.

Well phase two of today’s activities is done…I woke up.  Phase two, also completed, I got a shower.  What’s next Bob only knows!

Quote From The Internets:

“Obviously its Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Scantily clad female nazis with sub machine guns and zombies. A compelling package I would say.” ~ Response to the question…What was the greatest video game ever?