Oh 2020…

2020 has been an awful year on most accounts. 

There are of course notable exceptions, like the birth of my son.  In all,  it has been an insane struggle.  The juggling of unemployment and bills and, oh yeah, a plague.  It’s been too much sometimes to deal with but there are no other choices but to plow through the muck and mire to get out of the bog.

I’m one of the lucky ones.  We have a roof over our heads, food on the table and we are all healthy (minus my RA).   We had our Covid scare and all tested negative. 

But like others in our category it’s been difficult not being able to take our baby anywhere.  Not seeing our friends in person and just having to isolate as much as possible.  Like so many others I wait anxiously for 2021 to right the wrongs of a lost year.   

We will start 2021 with a new President.  A man of great empathy and compassion.  He will fill his cabinet with strong and intelligent people.  He will be known for his number of women appointed to cabinet positions.   What will be different is the SWAMP of lobbyists will be gone from the White House.  Although, most of them got the boot by Trump a while ago.   America can begin to heal.  The worst impulses of the Trump followers will be squelched again.  They won’t go away but it won’t be as easy a task to spout out White Supremacy and conspiracy ideology.  The Reality TV Show Host Experiment is over on 1/20, even if he won’t acknowledge it.

2021, holds a flute of good feelings for me.  A hope I haven’t had in a very long time.  Do I really believe that Covid19 will just go away in a day after Biden is sworn in?  No, I don’t believe that.  What I do believe is we will have guidance from our Leadership we haven’t had in 4 years.  I believe in science.  I believe that the Vaccines now being administered are a big first step.  I hope there will be a national mask mandate if things don’t improve sooner than later.

It’s time for America/Americans to step up and be responsible people.  I think back to my Granny who lost a child in the 1918 Flu Pandemic.  She had far less to work with to survive.  She survived.  She survived the death of her daughter.  She survived having influenza herself.  She survived for 86 years.   I think we all can survive 2020. 

Respect each other.  Don’t hate people you don’t even know.  Remember that we are all in the same boat.  Wear your masks and survive!

His Name was Benji

I’m still not sure why they give these storms names but  they do.  The weekend we got hit with Winter storm Benji.   I’m not sure where the first storm named Aiden hit but I missed it all together, lol.

No matter the name I did enjoy this snow.  Just enough to play in and just enough not to have to shovel much.  Win-Win as far as I’m concerned.   It makes me think there is an opportunity for a White Christmas to add to the seasonal fun.  Last year it was warm and the year before that we were in the 70’s.  Oh, that myth called Global Warming…you’re a hoot.

A Little Christmas To Start The Season – Part 2 – A Christmas Carol

Bean surprised the family with tickets to see “A Christmas Carol” in town at the Historical Walnut Theater.


The cast was amazing and the musicality was on mark.


The one thing that shocked me was how scary ‘Old Jacob Marley’s Ghost’ was and that the children would be as equally shocked, lol.

Maybe it was the booming thunder or the flashing lightning when he came into the room.  All I know is that it left many seats unoccupied when the smaller ones jumped onto the laps of Mommy’s and Daddy’s, lol.

All in all it was a 5 star performance by the Walnut Street Players!  Well done!

A Little Christmas To Start The Season – Part 1 – Hope Lodge

This weekend definitely held the Christmas Theme for us.  On Saturday, we went to Hope Lodge to share in a little Christmas Cheer…Colonial Style.


The Volunteers who run this grand old mansion did an amazing job with decorating.  They covered all of the time periods that the house was in use.  From Colonial to Modern.


Miss Erin dress up in Colonial garb to keep the illusion going.

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I love trains.  This everyone knows,  so to see a train going is aces for me.

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They even displayed metal trains from approximately 1920’s-1930’s.  It was a wonderful Time.

Christmas and 2016

It’s been a wild month and a half.  Preparing for Christmas became a blinding image of days of fun and days of remembrance.  We made our yearly trek to see the lights at Longwood Gardens.


It was as beautiful as always.  It really sets the tone for the Holiday season.  Which was needed with the warm temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s for Christmas.

We celebrated with the family on Christmas.  This year we had a nice quiet NYE.  No cooking or stress.  Just Chinese food and Ryan Seacrest with the countdown.

The best part of the Holiday is how it fell in the week.  It was like having mini vacations each week.  YEAH!!!

Wonder what 2016 has in store for me.  I sure hope it is all good!

Happy New Year Kiddies!

It’s been a very busy Holiday season.  Some joyous and some not so joyous but I got threw it all.  It’s now 2014 and it feels kind of weird to write 2014.

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I decided to go wild just before the Holiday and cut all my hair off.  It’s hair so I thought even if I didn’t like it who cares…it will grow back.  It’s not bad and takes two minutes to do in the morning.  So WIN!

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I really want to put myself into enjoying every ounce of life this year.  No regrets and releasing my grasp on control.  Funny thing about Control is it doesn’t really exists.  It’s just an illusion but it feels real.  Mark me down for a fun year!
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We had our first snow of 2014.  Approximately 8″ fell on our burg.  It was the light fluffy snow so shoveling wasn’t too bad.  It sure did look pretty before I left for work.

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My Willow didn’t want to come inside last night after the snow started.  She has always been a snow baby.  She loves to lay and play in it.  Even at 13 years old she’s still in love with snow 😉

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She was a little sad because I made her go inside.  The temps were falling quickly and I told her the snow would be there in the morning, lol.

Here is to a great 2014 for everyone.  This year hold your loved ones closer and go call, text or email that person that you’ve grown apart from and bring them back into your life.  You will be happy you did.


No One Told Mother Nature…

…that it isn’t even winter yet 😉  We’ve had at least one snowfall per week over the last several weeks.  Technically it’s still Autumn.

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It makes things Christmasy for sure but the snow makes me want to go into hibernation, lol.

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Autumn ends on Saturday which is funny because it’s supposed to be about 54 degrees.  Any who, welcome winter!

A Very Longwood Christmas

I am a huge fan of Traditions.  The neat little things you do every year that makes one reminisce on the past.  Every year we go to Longwood Gardens for the Christmas season.  The Trains, Wreaths, Displays and of course the decorated Christmas Trees are amazingly beautiful each and every year!  This year we added the Carols sing-along with the 39th largest organ in the world.

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The sun goes down and the lights come on and things get even more beautiful.

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Oh what a day 🙂