Christmas and 2016

It’s been a wild month and a half.  Preparing for Christmas became a blinding image of days of fun and days of remembrance.  We made our yearly trek to see the lights at Longwood Gardens.


It was as beautiful as always.  It really sets the tone for the Holiday season.  Which was needed with the warm temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s for Christmas.

We celebrated with the family on Christmas.  This year we had a nice quiet NYE.  No cooking or stress.  Just Chinese food and Ryan Seacrest with the countdown.

The best part of the Holiday is how it fell in the week.  It was like having mini vacations each week.  YEAH!!!

Wonder what 2016 has in store for me.  I sure hope it is all good!

My Disappearance was kind of Lame

I wish I had some International Espionage reason for not blogging but honestly I was just lazy.  I kind of felt like ‘what could I possibly write about’?  I’ve done some things and took some pictures but I just didn’t get my butt in gear to post anything.  So now I’m back!  The world is my oyster!


I love Trains.  If I had the room in my house I would have a train and town hobby set up all the time.  I don’t have the room so I have to admire them from a far.  I’ve had two opportunities since August to check out trains.  First is from Morris Arboretum.  They always have a great train display and it’s a local way for me to enjoy the click-clack of the tracks.


The second offering is from the Christmas Display at Longwood Gardens in December.  They moved the location this year due to construction.  I actually preferred it in the new space.  The lights that surrounded the display only enhanced my train joy!

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I’m happy to report also that for Christmas I received a plethora of Train books and clothing.  Ah, I sure do love me some trains!

UPDATE: Stuff Happened…I was on Vacation – Pt. 1

I’ve been on Christmas Vacation for the last almost two weeks.  It’s been awesome.  Christmas was a blast.  I got 2 Light Sabers and they are so much fun.  I can be a Sith or a good guy.  Each light saber is different and I dig that!  Our Christmas tree that was being held up in the stand by the Chronicles of Narnia (totally serious) suffered from a winter’s thaw and fell over.  Bean laughed hysterical.  I, always being the dooms-dayer only laughed when I realized all the ornaments were okay.  It is funny but sometimes it takes me a little bit to see how funny it actually is and to just let go and enjoy the moment.  Note to self be more light-hearted!

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It was looking like the season would be warm but we got a nice little snow storm on 12/29/12 that made the holiday a little more festive for me.  I love snow, especially when it doesn’t stick to the roads.  I took some snowy pictures to remember the winter’s majesty.

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Willow also likes the snow.  She likes it so much I had a dickens of a time getting her back inside!

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I really enjoyed the snow.  It didn’t last very long but it enhanced my holiday experience!

Tomorrow I will regale you with my NYE adventure…

UPDATE: No Christmas Tree Tax…for the moment

So the back peddling begins.  No Christmas Tree tax for the minions to pay for research and marketing of the Christmas Tree Growers.  Oh…it was never a tax.  It was “self-imposed” fee of .15 cents per tree that the CTG’s were going to do themselves.

Seriously…we aren’t that stupid.  This info came from the Department of Agriculture.  So either it is complete incompetence by the DA or a complete lie and reversal.

Anyway…I’m not sure how I’m going to spend my .15 cents that I don’t have to pay to the government now?  How about you?  LOL.

I’m Ebenezer Scrooge…Who Knew

This Christmas season is much better for me than I’ve seen in about 7 years.  It is an odd coincidence that it was also on the 7th anniversary of Jacob Marley’s death Scrooge got his joy back too.  This year my life is good.  I’m happy and its due to the fact that Bean wears flip flops.
Christmas hasn’t been fun for me in a long time.  I wallowed and as much as I know that’s not a good thing I did it anyway.  My friends would try to distract me but at the end of the day I went home to my empty home.  The dogs are great company but they can’t say hey butthead stop with the mopey.  All they could do was sit next to me as I sat on the floor and looked at the Christmas tree I forced myself to put up even though I had no Christmas spirit inside at all.
Bean is not a wallower and this is great for me.  So in her pursuit of making Christmas a new fun and happy time she has embarked on ‘Operation Level 9 Girl’.  Let me tell you she’s very good.  I laughed when I put up the tree this year.

She took me to see ‘A Christmas Carol’ in town.  I read this story every Christmas.  I read it from my Dad’s book.  It’s a sentimental journey for me.  This production was well done.  I loved it!  The cast did such an amazing job and the snow flowing in the theater at the end of the performance was wicked cool!
I can honestly say that if I never get another tangible gift it wouldn’t’ matter too me because she gives me a gift every day…she loves me.  The intangibles are the ones that stick with this sentimental girl.  I see an amazing Christmas coming my way this year!