Why I Loath ABC Network

So my taste for TV has dwindled a lot lately.  I watch a select grouping of shows.  Most of them have completed their series runs and that has left voids in what I watch.  If I watch TV now I fill in Netflix, Food Network, HGTV and Law and Order re-runs.  This is sad because I used to love watching a list of shows.  Now I’m like Blah.

Downward Dog – CANCELLED

I loved Downward Dog.  It was cute, funny and lovable.  Who couldn’t like Martin and Nan?  They were a sweet team.  The storyline was evolving with each heartwarming episode.

Who could forget Martin’s observations on life.   Like when he’s banished to the Prison Yard.  Martin has an arch nemesis, Pepper the neighbors cat.  This is hysterical.  How about being the Garbage Dog?  The time he tore apart Nan’s house when left alone.  What dog owner couldn’t relate?  The fact that Martin has a voice is amazingly fun.

There are rumors that this Show is being shopped around to other networks.  I sure hope someone picks it up because I was so excited to watch Season 2.

I’m tired of violent TV Shows.  I’m tired of remakes of remakes.  I’m  tired of humorless “comedies”.  ABC Network, you have nothing to offer me.  I’ve given up on Once Upon A Time and I’m pretty sure that was the only other show I was watching on your crappy network.  You broke my heart when you dumped All My Children and One Life To Live…this just makes me loath you even more!

Climate Change Doesn’t Exist…Unless It Does

I’m not a tree hugger.  I’m not a Green Peace crazy person.  I’m a person who understands action and reaction.  It’s science, basic and true.  The “Global Warming” movement is over.  They never really based their opinions on facts or science.  It was a hunch.  In some ways they were correct, in others they just came off as crazy people.  Then they changed the catch phrase from Global Warming (because the Earth was actually getting colder) to Climate Change.  Still I find this a bit bizarre since the climate is always changing.

mpgpg-172I’m a realist.  The Earth is being harmed by the fact there are too many people fighting for the same resources.  Poverty makes people greedy.  Greedy people can never get enough.  That’s why Greed is bad.  The Rain Forest is being destroyed at the fastest pace ever in history.  The people kill the animals as they rush from the burning forests for their lives.  The ecology of the area is forever damaged.  All actions have an equal or greater reaction.  Droughts occur, Flooding, earthquakes, etc.  They happen because we do not fully understand the science of what we are doing to the environment.  We learned nothing from the people in history that destroyed their homelands with wars, over farming and destruction of their local Eco-systems.

First World Nations (or whatever they are being called now) are slowly realizing the reality of locust effect.  If you devour all of your resources you then die from lack of said resources.  People aren’t as understanding to the plight we all share as a world body.

I guess I was fortunate to grow up in a time in society that was not so “throw away”.  We recycled things because it made sense.  We were poor and needed to stretch the resources.  Can you remember the last time you sewed something to get more wear out of it?  We have so many things now that we never would have had 30 years ago.  Why, well mostly because we didn’t really need them.


The World as a collective is going to hell in a hand basket.  Wars, famine, starvation, over building, nuclear threat and the list of baddies is never ending.  This writer sure wishes it wasn’t like this at all.  I like this Earth I live on and well, if only half of it’s inhabitants took personal responsibility for their lives on it, maybe the future would look a little brighter.

Coulrophobia It’s Real Man!

Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns.


I’m not sure when or why I developed a fear of clowns.  It’s real and it’s weird.  Clowns are basically harmless.  Well, unless they are associated with Stephen King…then not so much.  I think the only clown I’ve never been freaked out about is Bozo.  I think it’s because I once had a Bozo punching bag.  Perhaps it was a bit therapeutic to have a clown I could punch.

I’m still freaked out though…

Lost Another TV Icon

Van Williams died at the age of 82 on November 29th.  He was best known as The Green Hornet.  I loved that show.


I was really little when it was on in the 60’s but it’s one of my favorites.


I think it was his car that made me love this show.  Van brought humor to the action packed show.


Earlier in his career he was known for being Troy Donahue’s side kick on Surfside 6.  Who doesn’t love a good beach show?  He was part of the early glamour studs in TV and Movies.

It’s hard losing these wonderful actors/actresses.  It’s like a piece of my childhood goes with them.  RIP Mr. Van Williams!

More Snow? Yes More Snow…Hello Pax

So we had a Nor’easter yesterday and it wasn’t fun.  It was 13″ of snow followed by Sleet then rain and then another 4″ of snow.  Forecast for tomorrow…more snow.


The weather contributed to this 100 car pile up on the PA Turnpike this morning.  Not so much fun for these poor folks.  I must admit I am a tad bit snow weary.  It’s lost its appeal for me lately.  You know the saying…Too Much of a Good Thing.

Hang in there weather weary folks we are almost there….ONWARD TO SPRING!!!

You Can’t Look Away It’s Just That Awful

In 1978 I looked like this….

Yup I was styling in this patchwork quilt looking shirt.  It had brown pants and blue wing tip platform shoes to go with the outfit.  Yes…OMG!

But by far this is the worst picture I have ever seen of myself.  Oh 1970’s style how you scare me most of all when looking at pictures.  This was 1977 and OMG…shoot me now!


Later when I went to Super Soap Weekend (BECAUSE I’M JUST THAT COOL!) I thought having my picture with Luke and Laura was stylish.  Yes…again the appropriate response is…OMG!

What I’ve learned over my lifetime is that I will never have any sense of style.  I guess it’s a good thing I’m a sorta funny.  Unless you had asked my Mom…she didn’t think I was that funny, lol.

Oh Sandy…Baby…I’m In Misery

Hurricane Sandy is getting closer.  The weather folks are 24/7 on TV giving uber updates.  I just look out my window for the updates.  Earlier I was feeling very anxious about the whole thing but now I’m chilled and mellow.  As long as a tree doesn’t fly through the window and I stay put I’m golden.
So my kitties on the East Coast.  Keep dry and stay inside.  The winds are howling and as Ron White said.  “It’s not THAT the wind is blowin’. It’s WHAT the wind is blowin’!”

Good luck and Godspeed.

Frankenstorm and Greg Brady

So don’t know if you heard but Hurricane Sandy has now been given the moniker “Frankenstorm”.  It figures because my friend Courtney wanted to start a drinking game where every time there was a mention of Sandy you take a drink.  Now with Frankenstorm it kind of ruins my buzz.  Just saying.

I live pretty far inland so I’m just expecting Rain, Wind and Flooding.  I’m just hoping the power doesn’t go out.  It’s hunker down and hope for the best time.  There is a remote possibility we may get snow so of course the Weather Guys are focusing on that.  You know because REMOTE means we’ll totally get it.

Also in the news it appears the home of Greg Brady’s bad luck Tiki Idol has been found.

As you can see here it is similar to the one that made Greg wipeout on his surfboard.

The design is different but if it wasn’t it would have been made in China and sold at the Dollar Store.

So much news today.  Now you will have to excuse me…I must run out and get the last loaf of bread!

Creepy Is The New Cool

I hate spiders!!!   Ever since the Great Mormon Spider Attack of 2010 I’ve been even jumpier.  They terrify me and I have not idea why because I’m 1 million times taller.  In a strange twist I like spider webs.  They are like insect art.  I don’t mind watching spiders make webs but like our graffiti artists they need to move on when they are done.

This giant arachnid has been in this same area for about a week and a half.  For various reasons it’s had to rebuild.    A lot like Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web it has spun some beautiful art.

Tell me this picture of my neighbor’s cat doesn’t scream HALLOWEEN!

I watched one of my neighbors who saw the spider in its previous location…turn around and go in a different door, lol.  See I’m not the only one!

This little ditty has nothing to do with spiders but it was way cool…

Dad is that you????