Life Is Hard…After All It Kill You

Okay I stole my headline from Katherine Hepburn so sue me…wait that was metaphorical…don’t sue me.  Life has been so busy lately I’m not sure what is actually happening.  There are blurry visions of things I’ve done over the last month but on a certain level I couldn’t tell you what they were but if you told me I could probably agree that is what happened.

I wish I could remember being a kid and wonder now if I felt this way then?  Exams, school and the what not…was it really that difficult?  I’ve found that my memory of childhood has become very selective over the years.  My mind’s eye, for the most part, only wants to remember happy things. In the last month my mind has opened up to some not so pleasant memories.  They happened and honestly I wished I wasn’t remembering them at all.  It was so much better being in the dark about things that aren’t pleasant.

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The only answer I’ve come up with over the years is life is sometimes hard no matter what age and if at all possible I need to stop for a moment and smell the roses or in my case the strawberries because I’m allergic to flowers, lol.

I Got To Be Green Lantern…Shh…Don’t Tell Anyone

This Valentine’s Day my beautiful and super duper awesome wife gave me a Green Lantern shirt.  I’ve secretly wanted one for some time.  Now I have one of my very own.  What is doubly awesome is for Christmas my beautiful and super duper awesome wife gave me the Green Lanteren (Alan Scott).  Alan Scott came with the green lantern and a green lantern ring that I wore for about three days after Christmas.


In brightest day, in blackest night,No evil shall escape my sight.Let those who worship evil’s might,Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!!!

Now I have the shirt and, the mask and the ring.  Last step in becoming a full fledge Green Lantern is to get the Lantern.  But since it cost $149 I think if I had a picture of it to hold up that would work too.