The Theremin’s Making A Comeback

The Theremin’s making a comeback and it only took 50 years.  Bean and I have some odd conversation…like this one.

Me (singing):  Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…nobody knows my…(not singing)…Oh this would be so much better if I had that Star Trek instrument that Sheldon has.
Bean:  What’s that called again?
Me:  It’s a Xenophon or a xylophone or something like that…what’s it called again.
Bean:  When we don’t know something we look it up. (click, click, click of the keys).
Me:  Oh you are looking it up?
Bean:  Yes see me on the computer…you always do that.
Me:  I do.
Bean:  What did you think it was called.
Me:  I don’t know. Xena-warrior-princess-phone
Bean:  It’s a Theremin.
Me:  Oh yeah…that’s it…a Theremin.
Bean:  I know, I just said that.
Me:  They are cool.

Sometimes I just don’t make any sense at all but I think she still loves me anyway 🙂

Later Bean and I discussed maybe getting a theremin.

I looked it up and then I saw you can get a How To Play The Theremin DVD for only 24.95.  Then  I really thought about it and I thought I would easily tired of it.  So I decided to play with my batman stuff instead.

Michael Meyers Is Calling…um Do I Have To Take The Call?

So over the last 2 days I’ve heard the song “Mr. Sandman” by the Chordettes like 6 times.  In fact, it is playing on the radio right now while I’m typing.  Yesterday I was watching Halloween II and the movie opens to this song.  Then it made me think of it from the movie Halloween H20 and then I was singing it in the car on the way to work.  Now it’s back again…not unlike the presumed dead (x10ish) Michael Meyers.

Should I be concerned I’m being stalked indirectly by a bad representation of William Shatner who wields a large knife?  Beam Me Up Jamie Lee!

Sitting On The Dock of the Bay Window

Bean and I were listening to the styling of Mr. Otis Redding in the car and this lead to a conversation of how awesome it would be to just do that this week instead of working.  But it wasn’t in the cards for us to just blow off the week.  We can dream can’t we?

Sitting On The Dock of the Bay...with Bean 🙂

Then I started to think of all the dock of the bays we could be sitting on and then I was over taken by the deep need for sparkling blue waters.  I always enjoyed Bermuda…but the Bahamas are only 2 hours away via plane.  St. Thomas has some really cool Jimmy Buffett vibes going as do the Florida Keys.  Just sitting on the dock listening to the tide roll away would be really awesome…well right until the weather guy interrupted my dreams with mention of Hurricane Earl.  Dude seriously way to go all Brain Cloud on my visions of happiness.

So for right now I’m sitting at the dock of my bay window looking at a picture of Horshoe Bay beach and think what smacked ass came up with Earl for the name of the “E” hurricane???  Seriously…you’ve got to be kidding me!

The One Where Bean Leaves Me

…for a couple of day of vacation.  She probably won’t even care because she’s going away with my roommate Bjorn and right now I think he sucks!  Yes I am a petulant child 😉

I was thinking about what I will do while she’s off to see our fine country and I thought of this list of things I will do while Bean and Bjorn are having fun…without me.  (Damn those nuns could work that guilt thingy…I’ve learned much, lol).

  • Reorganize my closets.  I had a friend over about 8 months ago whom I haven’t seen nor heard from…I figure the closet is the best place to start.
  • alphabetized my stuffed animals.
  • Find the cap to the toothpaste.
  • Teach Mickie not to be an a-hole.
  • Darn my socks.
  • Re-evaluate Einstein’s theory of relativity.  It think he was smoking crack when he came up with that math gem.
  • Take Willow to the groomers
  • Clean my andirons.
  • Practice the Cupid Shuffle…I look like a Spaz right now.
  • Read the Book of Mormon…aka kill all spiders.
  • Think About School a lot.  HA HA HA…that’s just a HTB thing.
  • Practice at Uno so I don’t get my butt kicked so much by Bean.

Really the one thing that tops the list is I’m going to miss her.  She’s kind of awesome squared.

Holy Katzenjammer Kids!

The Katzenjammer Kids
Am I dating myself?  I do that sometimes.  Okay the Katzenjammer Kids first came out in comics in 1897 so I’m probably not dating myself.  Or I might be a Zombie so I could be over 100 years old and thus actually dating myself.    Not dating myself like dinner and wine…you know like I’m wicked super old.  Sheesh!

I once had a client of mine ask me what music I had playing in the background.  I replied, ‘oh, that’s Benny Goodman…I think he’s the cat’s meow’.  She then asked me how old I was…at the time I was 24.   It’s one of the awesome benefits of having older parents.  My folks were born in the early 20th century so the 1930’s and 1940’s were the rage in our house, from music to movies and every thing in between.  I really dig that!

Swing it Baby!

So this weekend this Zombie/possibly Humanoid will be watching an array of movies from the 30’s and 40’s…I think I’ll start with Ms. Deanna Durbin’s Three Smart Girls!  That Deanna is the bees knees!

I Hate When Miley Cyrus is Right!

I took a long drive today to clear my mind which actually means I drive, listen to music and do nothing but think.  So I’m listening to The Climb by Miley Cyrus and I started to think…life is a climb.

So many things do not sit right with me now and I think I need to make some changes but the more I try to change things the more they stay the same.  So does that mean that Life is actually like a merry-go-round?  If so it’s not so much fun.

The Day The Music Died

Legend Mary Travers died in Connecticut yesterday (9/16/09) of Leukemia.  I loved the music of Peter, Paul and Mary and it always brings back a memory of something good.  Sort of like the smell of truck exhaust no matter where I am makes me think of the Ice Cream Man.

Goodbye Mary.

Quotes From The Internets:

“Anyone else who uses sacred teachings to justify their position, whatever it may be, remembers that having a verse to lean on never guarantees that God is leaning your way. “

A Melody In My Heart

On my way to get a very unhealthy lunch I was stuck in traffic and on the CD player I had Sarah McLachlan’s Mirrorball playing. Her songs have such incredible lyrics. Those of you who know me, know that I’m a SM freak and listen to her all the time. I take a lot of ribbing from my BFF’s because they think her music is depressing but I can’t get enough of it. Her lyrics are poetry…which of course is what Songs are…poetry set to music but something just strikes me about her lyrics.

” The lamp is burnin’ low upon my table top
The snow is softly fallin’
The air is still within the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly callin'” ~ Song For A Winter’s Night

Or these lines….

“I have a smile
stretched from ear to ear
to see you walking down the road

we meet at the lights
I stare for a while
the world around disappears” ~ I Love You

“And I would be the one
to hold you down,
kiss you so hard,
I’ll take your breath away” ~ Possession

I guess it’s just my obsession with poetry that attracts me to this kind of music. I just can’t help myself I love it!!!

Last night I was reading some Rainer Maria Rilke. Which I find I prefer in German than in English….is that weird? Storms also appear quite frequently in what I’m reading right now…or that would be Sturm. One can not live by Shakespeare and Shelley alone!