Weird Fact About # 37 – I Have A Weird Obsession With Toys

So I’ve got this obsession with toys.  Not all toys mind you but I do have an array of “Action Figures”.  Some really are action figures like Batman, Aqua Man and other super heroes.  Some are figures I’ve collected throughout the years.

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This really got started in 2004 when I bought Bjorn Maelstrom a Norwegian Troll at Epcot in Disney World.  Since then I’ve added Ingrid, Boone, Arvid and Nils to the Norwegian Family.


As you can see by this earlier picture of Bjorn he’s had some wear over the years.  He’s traveled to 16 states so far and is preparing for a trip to Ohio in the next couple of weeks to bring that number to 17.  It started off as my “Flat Stanley” type project.


In 2009 on a another trip to Disney World. Bjorn suffered an unfortunate accident where his arm fell off.  To fill in for the rest of the trip I got Mick2009.  He is better suited to the lifestyle of a traveler being soft vinyl.  So he filled in for a while.  This is how the cast of characters grew.

2011-Chris-Ft Washington Park5

Christmas Snow was a gift from my wife.  Chris saw a lot of travel time but she also suffered from injuries during the treks.  Her ear broke and her legs got wobbly.  But look at that face…she is awesome!

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Bantley is a newbie to our cast of characters.  He arrived with a broken foot that just doesn’t want to stay unbroken.  He’s a little guy but very hardy!

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Homie the Gnomie that actually an elf and is a favorite of mine.  Since arriving in 2013 he’s been around town a lot.

There are so many other figures that I have used and even more that haven’t made it on the site but it’s been really fun doing my “Not So Flat Bjorn” project.

If you would like to see what the Explorers are up to you can go to Bjorn Maelstrom: Norwegian Explorer’s blog.

I Love Frankenstein

I love everything Frankenstein.  My wife indulges my insanity and I love her more for it, lol.  It all started with the book.  It is my all time favorite book.  The story had all the elements I look for in a tale.  It started with action and then segued into the tragic story of love, loss and obsession.  I love, love, love this book and because I love it my obsession has branched out to collecting Frankenstein dolls.  I don’t have thousands of dolls because that would really be insane but I have enough that take me to that edge, lol.  As is evident below:

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Spencer reading Frankenstein

Spencer reading Frankenstein

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Teddy playing the violin

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Everyone should own a 2 ft. tall Frankenstein doll named Spencer.

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Years ago I started doing a “Flat Stanley-ish” project with one doll.  His name is Bjorn Maelstrom.  I got him at Disney World’s Norway in Epcot in 2004.

I started a blog with his adventures that has included many of my cast of characters but I always come back to the Frankenstein guys.  In the end if there was only one book to read forever I would pick Frankenstein.  I’m not into the gore of the creature but for the hope that he represents.  A creature different from everyone else who looks for acceptance or the hope there is one other person like him out there to be found or in his case made.

My Candidate For President

I’ve decided to back the only candidate I can believe in for President.  He’s a Troll so there is no pretending since it’s all literal anyway.

BJORN MAELSTROM for President.

I don’t care that he’s 4″ tall, a Troll or a Foreign National….Yeah Norway!  I’m going to cast my ballot for him anyway!

As my friend said on Facebook during last nights Third Presidential Debate…

“The heck with this…I’m going to watch RuPaul.”

I’m tired of the back biting, the name calling, the fear mongering of the presidential campaign season.  And that is why I am supporting an inanimate object for President!

California Dreamin’ – Venice Beach Edition

I went to California on vacation and it was pretty cool.

While still in Philly I got to see this…

25 people who needed wheel chairs got off the plane. It looked like a traffic jam on 476, lol.

It was a long trip by air but we got to stop off in Chicago where I did this…

…and saw this…

Weird Random Art in Chicago Airport

But then we arrived at LAX and I got to see this…

Bob Hope USO at LAX

During the day it looks like most other airports but at night LAX is amazing with all of its colorful lights. The next morning I woke up and was ready for some California Dreamin’…

Okay I look a little scared in this picture but I wasn’t really.  I promise.  There is so much color there.  Weird trees and color.  I also noticed there are a lot of people everywhere.

We went and put our feet in the Pacific Ocean.  Its a must do kind of thing.  One day we will put our feet in the Gulf of Mexico too but that’s a different trip 😉  So we headed to Venice Beach to see what Baywatch was really all about and get our feet baptized.

Bean's in the Pacific Ocean turn

The sand is different than our Atlantic Ocean.  Surprisingly it was quite frigid.  I know why Jaws happened.  It’s cold in them there waters!

Then I ran around the beach like David Hasselhoff.  Okay not quite the same toned body but since I’m from the East Coast it doesn’t really matter.  My jiggly bits went home with me when we left, lol.

Venice Beach

Venice Beach is a lot like what we see on TV.  Kind of neat, kind of crowded but never the less very interesting.

One of the most bizarre things I saw on Venice Beach…You can attend Shul on the beach.  SWEET!!!  Then you can get your fortune read for .25 cents by the guy in the gold turban, lol.

Venice Beach reminded me of our Jersey Beaches in some ways and others it was completely different.  What I discovered was people from all over go to see the Pacific Ocean.  Like the family from Sandy Utah that are just like me…They have an Action Figure called Bill and they take his picture where ever they go too.

The Pacific Ocean is the great unifier.  Excuse me now…I must go watch the “We are The World” video on YouTube.

A Norwegian Nightmare

I was perusing my news this am to be jolted by the news from Norway, homeland of my beloved BjornThere is a butter shortage!!!  This scary news was not received well with me.  My veins are filled with butter and buttery like substances.  A world without butter is a world I’m not sure I want to live in.

Butter is fun 🙂

I wish the Norwegians good luck and Godspeed.  They expect the butter to be back in supply sometime in January.

Wedded Bliss

On Friday I got married.  Like the full on, with family and friends until death do us part married!  I couldn’t be happier.  We had so much fun.  It’s really amazing to me that you plan something for a year and when it arrives its over in the flashy of flashes.

We had a photobooth which was a big hit.  There were 299 photobooth pictures from our guests which totally cracked me up.  I’m glad that everyone was into it.  The pictures were hysterical and very creative.  Even my Troll friend Bjorn got his picture in the photobooth…he’s cool like that.

For me there were so many highlight but seeing Bean in her beautiful dress brought tears to my eyes and flutter to my heart.  I’m thankful she’s come into my life…and stayed…yeah for me!

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane…It’s Mr. Bacon!!!

I love the website Perpetual Kid.  You know because…I’m a perpetual kid 🙂  One reason is because they have an action figure called Mr. Bacon.  Seriously…how cool is that?  Um…WICKED COOL!!  Just saying.

I could so see him hanging out with Bjorn and Chris.  A Strip of Bacon, A Troll and A Fairy go on vacation or a night out on the town together.  Yeah…that would be cool.


This weekend Bean and I headed out with our group of awesome people and went to a Murder Mystery Dinner.

Lucy...I'm Dead!


It was a crisp fall evening and Peoples where every where.  This was my first murder mystery dinner so I didn’t know what to expect.  What followed was hilarity.

Ello Lucy!

The suspect list mounts…

Ethel...Dang what's up with your hair girl?

Who doesn’t like a woman who looks like a man who looks like a woman who wears fruit on her head?

…and Everyone CONGA!!!!  Dut, dut dut dut dut da…ha!

The Drag Queen Conga Line...

Bjorn even came with us.

Hey's Bjorn...Norwegian World Traveler!

The food was amazing, the company incredible and the entertainment hilarious!  All in all…a fantastic evening!


The Shrimp of The Cheesy Birthday

Yeah…it’s a crappy title but I’m a year older now so stop judging me internet!

For my birthday my love Bean took me to the Melting Pot for Fondue.  It really should be called FUNdue but for some strange reason it’s not.  I wasn’t sure what to expect but from the second we walked into the restaurant I felt like Queen of the FUNdue!  We had a nice quiet out-of-the-way booth and the Fun started.

So remember how I don’t like seafood.  Yeah…I still don’t but Bean asked me very nicely to try the shrimp so I did because lets face it I just can’t say no to her she’s too damn cute.  So here is me eating a Shrimp that I can confirm I still do not like, lol.

Then the chocolate came to the table and the party switched into full gear!!

And just for fun before our dinner of FUNdue began I asked her if we should cook Bjorn for fun…Bean said no because he might not like that very much but I did take a picture of him in the pot…He looks really nervous, lol.

Go to The Melting Pot people…its awesome and FUNduettle!!!

Earl is a Porn Star

So I’ve heard the media go on and on about Hurricane Earl.  He’s sucking and blowing along the Eastern Coastline and it occurred to me that Earl is a lot like a porn star.  At least that what I’m getting from the weather people.  My local news guy who’s nickname is “Hurricane” looked like he was about to explode from sexual frenzy while talking about his Categories.  His voice was much higher when he gave Earl a category 3 status and a little calmer when it was mentioned that Earl might be downgraded to a category 2.   So if he gets down graded to a Tropical Storm does that make him the guy that holds the camera in the porn world comparison?  Poor Earl…you were once mighty and strong…but you might just be a whole lot of puff and not so much smoke.

Bjorn and Earl