Weird Fact About # 37 – I Have A Weird Obsession With Toys

So I’ve got this obsession with toys.  Not all toys mind you but I do have an array of “Action Figures”.  Some really are action figures like Batman, Aqua Man and other super heroes.  Some are figures I’ve collected throughout the years.

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This really got started in 2004 when I bought Bjorn Maelstrom a Norwegian Troll at Epcot in Disney World.  Since then I’ve added Ingrid, Boone, Arvid and Nils to the Norwegian Family.


As you can see by this earlier picture of Bjorn he’s had some wear over the years.  He’s traveled to 16 states so far and is preparing for a trip to Ohio in the next couple of weeks to bring that number to 17.  It started off as my “Flat Stanley” type project.


In 2009 on a another trip to Disney World. Bjorn suffered an unfortunate accident where his arm fell off.  To fill in for the rest of the trip I got Mick2009.  He is better suited to the lifestyle of a traveler being soft vinyl.  So he filled in for a while.  This is how the cast of characters grew.

2011-Chris-Ft Washington Park5

Christmas Snow was a gift from my wife.  Chris saw a lot of travel time but she also suffered from injuries during the treks.  Her ear broke and her legs got wobbly.  But look at that face…she is awesome!

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Bantley is a newbie to our cast of characters.  He arrived with a broken foot that just doesn’t want to stay unbroken.  He’s a little guy but very hardy!

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Homie the Gnomie that actually an elf and is a favorite of mine.  Since arriving in 2013 he’s been around town a lot.

There are so many other figures that I have used and even more that haven’t made it on the site but it’s been really fun doing my “Not So Flat Bjorn” project.

If you would like to see what the Explorers are up to you can go to Bjorn Maelstrom: Norwegian Explorer’s blog.

A Norwegian Nightmare

I was perusing my news this am to be jolted by the news from Norway, homeland of my beloved BjornThere is a butter shortage!!!  This scary news was not received well with me.  My veins are filled with butter and buttery like substances.  A world without butter is a world I’m not sure I want to live in.

Butter is fun 🙂

I wish the Norwegians good luck and Godspeed.  They expect the butter to be back in supply sometime in January.

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane…It’s Mr. Bacon!!!

I love the website Perpetual Kid.  You know because…I’m a perpetual kid 🙂  One reason is because they have an action figure called Mr. Bacon.  Seriously…how cool is that?  Um…WICKED COOL!!  Just saying.

I could so see him hanging out with Bjorn and Chris.  A Strip of Bacon, A Troll and A Fairy go on vacation or a night out on the town together.  Yeah…that would be cool.

Waiting for Spring

Bean and I got out of the village and went to town on Saturday.  We had been planning a trip to the gayborhood to go shopping and so we went.  Of course when we planned this trip it seem like the weather would cooperated.  No so much as it rained and was very cold but over all it wasn’t too bad.

As we were driving past the Art Museum I commented that Rocky Balboa wasn’t running up those steps today.  As you can see in the picture below pretty much nobody would be running up those steps.
I’ve been hoping for the temps to warm up and the snow to go away.  Mind you we haven’t gotten near as much snow as Boston or the Mid-West but for this munchkin the snow has become annoying and tiresome.  As I write this I can see out my office window that the melting has begun and with the rain coming through tomorrow it’s going to wash away a good bit of the rest 😉  Um…YEAH!

I have to go now and check on Bjorn…he was wondering around the office in a hula skirt and I’m not sure what that means…

And There She Was…

…standing at the door.  The dogs barked wildly and all of that didn’t matter because Bean was home.  She was at the door and then it hit me.  I locked the door and that’s why she was standing outside instead of inside.  I’m special like that!

All I wanted to do was kiss her and hold her and yes I did all that stuff but WOW did I miss her.  I was like a little kid on Christmas morning 🙂  But there she was and I just took in how beautiful she looked.

Oh and Bjorn came home too.  I can’t wait to scan and post his postcard to me.  I told Bean that I could just picture people reading it just out of curiosity.  It’s a Dear John postcard, lol.  He’s a very funny Troll!

He and Bean did lots of stuff together and Bjorn even was the navigator with the Tom Tom.  Although in this picture he looks like he’s had way to much Jack Daniels the night before.  Just saying that Troll has a rep is all!

I Think Bjorn's asleep in this picture, lol.

I’m just so glad Bean is home and she brought me Fudge and MINTS!!!  She’s awesome cool like that!  Tonight…Mints and NCIS?  We’ll see.  It’s nothing but possibilities from this moment on!

Happy Friday everyone!

Just A Little Snow So Far…

Bjorn Maelstrom heads to work

I headed out to work today with my carpool buddies and it wasn’t so bad.  Should I believe the Weather Gubers that say the “BIG” part of the storm will hit tonight?

I am relieved that no shoveling happened this morning before heading to work.  Life is good so far 🙂

In other news, Great Britain failed to hold off the Swedes in the 11th End of the quarter finals of Curling.  I’m still cheering for Canada to take the gold.  What can I say I’ve become a Curling geek!!!

Quote of the Day:

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” ~ Anonymous

Bjorn Has Retired

So my traveling buddy has decided to retire from exploration.  Bjorn’s been around the block as can be viewed here but after sustaining another tragic injury he’s decided to sit on the side lines after next week.  During his expedition to Arizona Bjorn broke his arm off,  Yep off!  But it didn’t stop him from his love of adventure.  During yesterday’s trip to

Valley Forge National Park he suffered another amputation of his other arm.  Since I didn’t have a Barbie band aid on hand he suffered through the day with just a stump where his hand once sat.  I know humiliating, right!

He may make an appearance from time to time but now he’s passing on the travels to Mick who joined the exploration team in April.

Welcome Mick to the team and we know you’ll do a fabulous job  stepping in for the Master of Travels, Bjorn Maelstrom, Norwegian Explorer!