And There She Was…

…standing at the door.  The dogs barked wildly and all of that didn’t matter because Bean was home.  She was at the door and then it hit me.  I locked the door and that’s why she was standing outside instead of inside.  I’m special like that!

All I wanted to do was kiss her and hold her and yes I did all that stuff but WOW did I miss her.  I was like a little kid on Christmas morning 🙂  But there she was and I just took in how beautiful she looked.

Oh and Bjorn came home too.  I can’t wait to scan and post his postcard to me.  I told Bean that I could just picture people reading it just out of curiosity.  It’s a Dear John postcard, lol.  He’s a very funny Troll!

He and Bean did lots of stuff together and Bjorn even was the navigator with the Tom Tom.  Although in this picture he looks like he’s had way to much Jack Daniels the night before.  Just saying that Troll has a rep is all!

I Think Bjorn's asleep in this picture, lol.

I’m just so glad Bean is home and she brought me Fudge and MINTS!!!  She’s awesome cool like that!  Tonight…Mints and NCIS?  We’ll see.  It’s nothing but possibilities from this moment on!

Happy Friday everyone!

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