The Good, The Bad and The Gaga

Bean and I were traveling in the car last night when the song Bad Romance started to play.  I love to listen to her sing in the car when she’s driving but that has nothing really to do with my post and just makes this one of those really long run on sentences so I should just…like…stop it already.

Word Yo...Word got nothing!

Anyway,  not being savvy about…um…anything I thought the song was a bummer but instead it turns out to be a good thing.  Words are funny like that sometimes.  The Song boils down to the one line “I want your love”.  This is a very good thing.  So sometimes words that seem like they should be bad aren’t really bad at all…like in the case of the word…um…BAD.

Some words are interesting not because of their meanings but because they are fun to say.  Like the word Obsequious.  Love to say it but really how often does one get to throw it around in topical conversation.  It’s not like the word myriad which I use too much or the word marinate as a verb (thank you Jennifer Westfeldt) which I ♥ mostly.  No it’s a word that sounds cool but I never get to use.  I need new words.  Fun words that I can slap around for crazy fun.

Too Blave

So I guess I have another thing for the list…find and use more groovy words.  Still my new favorite words are ‘you’re so pretty’…but only when Bean says.  It’s like our Princess Buttercup/Westley moment 🙂