The FOS Project: Duke’s Edition

We were recently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the restaurant Duke’s was recommended by the Hotel Concierge.  It was a very good recommendation!

They had French Onion Soup on the menu so I had to order it!  It was very flavorful.  The Cheese was nicely melted and the broth very beefy.  There were a good deal of onions cooked just al dente.  I like mine a little softer but that is just a matter of taste.

It was a very good FOS and if you are at Duke’s in Harrisburg, PA don’t forget to order it.  It comes in a cup or bowl size!!


p.s. A special shout out to our server extraordinaire Greg!  You rocked it Johnny Bravo!

Summer Lovin’ 2013 – Strasburg – The Food

We took a break from the Trains to grab a bite to eat at Issac’s.  Bean and I love sandwiches so this restaurant find was a perfect fit.


The restaurant part was created to look like a train’s dining car.  Very cleaver and cute to boot!


The view across the street from the strip mall that housed Issac’s and the Choo Choo Barn was in typical Lancaster tradition…it was the view of a farm 🙂


The most important part of our dining experience of course is the food.


I got this tasty sandwich called a Rainbow Parrot.  I axed the Lettuce, Tomato and Onion from the original sandwich that included Corn Beef, Cole Slaw and cheese.  This was a tasty, tasty treat!

I can’t wait for the next adventure.  I hope more tasty treats are on the horizon 😉

In The Car

Bean and I were driving thru Media when the following exchange took place…

“This is a cute little town.” ~ Me
“We can’t live here there’s no parking.” ~ Bean
“Wait! We could totally live here there’s a Primos.” ~ Bean

This is so true because Primos makes those tasty hoagies Bean likes and those tasty wraps I like so I know that where ever we move there will be tasty treats 🙂

Easter Eggs…YEAH!

Every year we dye Easter Eggs.  I like this because I get to be 10 years old again.  I know normally I act like I’m 12 years old so I get to feel younger during the egg dying process.

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One of my eggs had a crack in it…

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It was very Jurassic Park.  I didn’t let the crack get me down though because I had….STICKERS!!!

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And now I have an awesome Easter Egg with a Easter Bunny soul patch!  Yeah…I’m cool like that!

I was totally rocking Easter Dinner too.  Seriously…my MIL was on it with the food (as she always is!).

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and last but not least…Bean’s AWESOME Milky Way cake.
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I loved this cake for two reasons…one…Bean made it 🙂  and two she got the receipt out of a novel she had read.  Good times and good food…Very cool indeed!

A Visit to Mary’s Land – Day One

This weekend I headed to Maryland with my beloved for a weekend adventure.  Other than being very hot (I loath sweating) it was a picture perfect weekend.  I think she had fun and I know I did so yay for us 😉

We went to a town on the Chesapeake called Rock Hall.  It’s a cute little town that is a Boat Lover’s paradise.  We drove around to see the sights that this little Cove had to offer.  It had a beach, marina, monuments and the most important part…Seafood 😉

We went to one of the local Museum’s that offered a lot of information about what life was like in the past in Rock Hall.  I found it informative and unintentionally funny.  You see I’m from Philly.  It’s kind of a big town and I would never recommend leaving your house or car unlocked while unattended.  So of course when we showed up at the museum and saw this sign…we had to chuckle!

Pirates are a big thing in Maryland…who knew?

We went to a great Restaurant called Waterman’s Crab House.  They have AMAZING food there.  It is worth the trip if you are looking for something to do in Maryland.

They are known for their crabs but since I don’t eat seafood I went with the turf instead.  It was delicious…OMG the Corn was uber tasty!!!

Bean loves, loves, loves seafood.  She got the Crab Dip…she said it was amazing.  I’m a french onion soup kind of gal…it too was amazing.  I’ve had FOS in so many restaurants I’ve lost count…this was the best I’ve ever eaten!

And the Lobster…

Since Waterman’s sits on the Chesapeake you can drive your boat up and dock while you eat.  It was so serene.

They offer Sunset Boat Tours as well.  If you love the water and boats you should totally check it out!

While at the beach we saw these folks in the background sitting in their blow-up pool drinking beer.  You can’t see them very well but I found them to be hysterical and friendly 🙂

All in all…Rock Hall is a good place to put on your list of places to visit while you are in Maryland!

Pretzels or Chips?

I’m not sure why this is blog worthy but for some reason I felt strongly enough about it this morning that it became a topic of conversation.

Me…totally a chip girl but my boss is totally a pretzel girl.  Seriously is there anything better than chips and dip? OMFG, no!….oh wait…those wings were pretty awesome.  Next time I need to remember to take a picture of the wings to show you…I want you all to be jealous…wait…what was I talking about?  Crap…now I’m hungry.

Anyway…Chips Rock…but really it’s a preference and I will not judge you if you are a pretzel person…well I’ll try not to judge, no promises.

p.s.  My Poor Unfortunate Boys of Summer are struggling and sadness abounds!