Summer Is Back

OMG…the weird weather is ratcheting up lately.  First it’s colder (53 degrees on Mother’s Day) then it’s as hot as July yesterday (88 degrees) what happens next, who knows?

I broke down and put the air conditioning on last night because it was 88 degrees inside the house and 77 degrees outside, WTH!?!

Then of course, I felt guilty for putting the AC on so early that I turned it off at 2 am.  We woke up to a warm house.  The masses did not like that very much.  So the AC goes back on.

Because of my disease (and my temperament) I don’t do well when it is hot.  In the winter coldness it’s easy to correct feeling the freeze with a blanket and a sweater.  In the heat months I can’t just strip down and not sweat.  That’s not how things work.  The only alternative is sitting in a cold shower for 4 hours.  So much for conserving water.

Also, I was breathing so much better with the AC on than with it off where I coughed with my allergies for 2 hours.

While at the Garden Festival yesterday I found this guy came way more prepared than me.  You rock it awesome Umbrella Dude!

I had a great time at the festival but eventually the heat was too much and I was red faced and lethargic, lol.  I went and sat in the air conditioned car while waited for the others.  Yup, 100% lightweight and proud of it, HA HA HA!

It’s going to be a long summer.

Cheesecake Factory of Mordor

We went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch over the weekend.  I hadn’t been there since it first opened so this was different for me.  But when did the Eye of Sauron instill itself at the Cheesecake Factory?

The Eye of Sauron?

The Eye of Sauron?

The food was good but I’ve found that my tastes are changing once again.  I used to eat spicy food all the time but now it almost kills me.  I mean that figuratively not literally.  So getting the enchiladas was probably a bad idea.  They were  tasty but spicy.

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Seriously who would ever get low fat cheesecake?  What is the point?

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I got the Dulce de Leche cheesecake.  I’m not much for sweets but this was surprising light and fluffy for cheesecake.  The Eye of Sauron Cheesecake Factory has many magics in its kitchen apparently.  We had a great time chatting and eating.  It was a good day all around.

Hey Look I Went Outdoors ;)

This weekend was lovely.  Cool in the shade with a little heat in the sun.  I even got a bit of odd sunburn.  It was only on one side of my neck.  Weird but then again that’s how we roll in the Shire.

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Who doesn’t like dancing/singing men playing an accordion and wearing bells.  Ah May Day, you are FABULOUS!

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This poor Green lad just walked back and forth.  I think he was missing his home planet.

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This is Aunt Fanny…She was tired and decided to lay in the middle of the road.  I was cracking up.

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This fella is Guinness.  He’s from Brewerytown.  Very cleaver naming of your dog Mister!

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How come no one ever carries me around on their shoulder?  Oh right, I’m not a little dog, lol.

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It was nice seeing all the dogs…oh and the people watching was awesome this year!  Tomorrow I will share the food.  I also learned that the Eye of Sauron is housed at the Cheesecake Factory.  Who knew?

The Weekend I Went Outside

Bean and I were on the go this weekend.  It was a beautiful weekend and outside was the place to be.  On Saturday,  we hung out with Bean’s parents…Mr. & Mrs. Bean.  I heart them because they are really nice 😉


Art Festival


On Sunday,  we decide to forego the frenzy of Town for Outfest and headed to a local corner of Town to an Art Festival.  Honestly though it might as well been Outfest the Annex because my people were everywhere!  Well done people!  It was a nice day for a stroll and I took in many sights.


Ah...Happy Hour!!!



The Celebrities were out in full force!



Puppies were everywhere!



Are you serious???? I think you could have gotten closer!


And the highlight for us was…


Books, Books, Books!!!


It was a blast but boy was I tired…Once my head hit the pillow…ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ!