I Have A Dream

I have this dream.  It’s a good dream.  It starts out where I find the person whom I find very interesting.  Things work out well and I tell her about my dream and she thinks it’s a good dream.

The dream where I run away to a cabin far in the woods with the one I trust.  There is no phone, no link to the outside world, just books and shade and her.  There are no mean people, no people who think I can’t detect their bull shit, no people who think they know everything about me.  Just for the record there is no one who knows everything about me.  No crowds of pissed off people like myself clogging the byways of life.  It’s a good dream…but alas, only a dream.

So until I find my dream I’ll head to the bar with the other misfit toys and used my drink as a crystal ball to the other side where my dream lives.

p.s. Do Zombies dream?  Yet another question for The Bloggess.