California Dreamin’ – Venice Beach Edition

I went to California on vacation and it was pretty cool.

While still in Philly I got to see this…

25 people who needed wheel chairs got off the plane. It looked like a traffic jam on 476, lol.

It was a long trip by air but we got to stop off in Chicago where I did this…

…and saw this…

Weird Random Art in Chicago Airport

But then we arrived at LAX and I got to see this…

Bob Hope USO at LAX

During the day it looks like most other airports but at night LAX is amazing with all of its colorful lights. The next morning I woke up and was ready for some California Dreamin’…

Okay I look a little scared in this picture but I wasn’t really.  I promise.  There is so much color there.  Weird trees and color.  I also noticed there are a lot of people everywhere.

We went and put our feet in the Pacific Ocean.  Its a must do kind of thing.  One day we will put our feet in the Gulf of Mexico too but that’s a different trip 😉  So we headed to Venice Beach to see what Baywatch was really all about and get our feet baptized.

Bean's in the Pacific Ocean turn

The sand is different than our Atlantic Ocean.  Surprisingly it was quite frigid.  I know why Jaws happened.  It’s cold in them there waters!

Then I ran around the beach like David Hasselhoff.  Okay not quite the same toned body but since I’m from the East Coast it doesn’t really matter.  My jiggly bits went home with me when we left, lol.

Venice Beach

Venice Beach is a lot like what we see on TV.  Kind of neat, kind of crowded but never the less very interesting.

One of the most bizarre things I saw on Venice Beach…You can attend Shul on the beach.  SWEET!!!  Then you can get your fortune read for .25 cents by the guy in the gold turban, lol.

Venice Beach reminded me of our Jersey Beaches in some ways and others it was completely different.  What I discovered was people from all over go to see the Pacific Ocean.  Like the family from Sandy Utah that are just like me…They have an Action Figure called Bill and they take his picture where ever they go too.

The Pacific Ocean is the great unifier.  Excuse me now…I must go watch the “We are The World” video on YouTube.