Phillies Hangover

Yep that’s what I’ve got.  It refers to staying up late to watch the Phillies (lose) in the World Series.  I feel like crap…not unlike a real hangover.  The biggest difference is that the night before a regular hangover I get to be all crazy drunk and stuff.  Not so last night.  Annoyed and aggravated yes…wildly intoxicated no.  So now we are down 3 to 1 in the World Series.  There’s hope we’ll win tonight but even if we don’t that’s okay.

The Phillies were a scrappy team with some talent and determination who saw the trophy in their sights.  The New York Yankee’s are a bought team.  The bought all the heavy hitters and stacked the team to slaughter everyone.  Not that this is a bad thing but seriously if you stack your team so that you are so Goliath like and you lose to anybody you look like a bunch of dorks.  And every game you don’t win (hello Angels kicking Yankee ass) you look stupid for over paying the “wonder boys”.  It goes back to what Granny used to say…”No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig…it’s still a pig”.

So good luck you groovy boys from Broad Street and even if you don’t win the series we’ll love ya!

Quote of the Day:

“No more tears now; I will think about revenge.” ~ Mary, Queen of Scots

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