Speaking of Squirrels…

Yesterday I made a new friend.  My squirrel is a little rusty but I think he said his name was Oscar Rutterman.  Well that’s what I heard!

Say YOU there!  Have you any spare nuts you would like to share with a dashingly handsome squirrel?

Say YOU there! Have you any spare nuts you would like to share with a dashing handsome squirrel?

Would you like me to pose for you?  Would that make it easier for you to take may photo?

Would you like me to pose for you? Would that make it easier for you to take may photo?

I would look like I'm thinking about my years as a young squirrel playing in the park.

I will look like I’m thinking about my years as a young squirrel playing in the park.

I know you are all going...aw he's so cute.  I am apt to agree with you...I'm adorable!

I know you are all going…aw he’s so cute. I am apt to agree with you…I’m adorable!

This is my TJ Hooker action shot.  I'm quite the daredevil!

This is my TJ Hooker action shot. I do all my own stunts!

Oscar was fun but he had to go home…it was dinner time and he’s Mom was calling him.  I hope he can come play with me again soon.