Sleeping Beauty and I Are Practically Twins

Sleeping Beauty and I have many things in common.  First we have multiple names.  The name her parents gave her was Aurora, like the dawn.  Then the God-Fairies gave her another name Brier Rose, who shortened it to Rose and lastly she was the Sleeping Beauty.  I too have many names, mostly because my mother got her way in naming me.  I have four names I go by depending on who is asking.  I was fine with my name (when I only had one) until the nun in 8th Grade decided everyone would go by their “Christian” names.  Thus using the whole name my parents gave me.  When I went into the working world because,  although my preferred first name seemed simple enough I had people who thought my name was Janet.  Which of course isn’t any of my four names. So does that make it five now?

Like Aurora, I also do not sew.  Seriously, if she knew anything about sewing she would not have pricked her finger on the sharp, pointy, shiny, needle, Duh!  Then there is that whole I was born in the big city only to move out of  town to the bordering countryside.  I like pink…she seem to also, no matter how many times Meriweather changed her dress color to blue.

Rose liked animals…I’ve got dogs.  Rose liked to sing, I like to sing…in the car.

But most important Rose fell asleep for the longest time and had one hell of a nap, which I’ve been having all weekend.  There have been small moments of the state of being awake but for the most part I’ve been in Slumberland.  I do not need a prince to wake me up though…I have two very pushy dogs to wake me up when it’s time for a walk or yummy time.  Being slobbered on by one of my dogs is pretty much the same as being kissed by a Prince who was all sweaty from working his way to the castle and then slaying the dragon.  HE HE HE.  Sorry I found that the funniest thing in that movie.  I’m sure the meant it to be literal because it’s a kids movie.

I’ve been up for like 15 minutes now…time to go back to bed :)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

p.s. Last night I went out and was wearing my “God Hates Shrimp” t-shirt.  This little old lady of about 80 stopped me, looked at my shirt, laughed heartily and said “good one”.  Yeah she got it, lol.

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