Food Shopping 101

I recently discover that most people don’t do things like I do things.  Example…food shopping.  I cut my coupons, got my cart and recycled bags and headed out with my list of what we needed for the week.  So far normal, right?

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I took Pepe King Prawn with me because I’ve always got some kind of action figure in my pocket.  My wife recently got Pepe for me because well he’s the most awesome Muppet (sorry Kermit) and she’s cool like that.

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These are just a few pictures I texted to my wife while doing the food shopping….

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Yes I’m a sick bastard!

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I like to have fun!

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Sean Penn…get it…Champagne, lol.  Oh Pepe, you slay me!

The shopping trip only took 2 hours and everyone was looking at me like I had a mental problem.  They were just jealous that I do not hide my freak flag.  I wave that baby back and forth with pride!